Bern Nystrom

Colloquially known as "Bern" or "Strom". I'm an iOS Software Engineer with a background in web development and fitness coaching. I also love cosmology, Factorio, Oxygen Not Included, and an obsession with pastries, coffee, and matcha green tea.

Citysights App Preview


A travel guide app that shows nearby local attractions and popular venues based on your current location.

GitHub Followers

A utility app to supplement your GitHub profile by getting a quick glance of all your followers in a simple, no-nonense list with a quick search of your username.

GitHub Followers App Preview
Apple Frameworks App Preview

Apple Frameworks

An informational app designed to provide and inspire software developers with new project ideas for their next app.


A project tracker app for recording your project updates and focuses.

Chckpnt App Preview

About Bern

Hi, I'm Bernard, but I also go by "Bern" or "Strom" - (short for "Nystrom"). I'm an iOS Software Engineer with experience in full-stack web development and a background in fitness coaching for over eight years. I'm currently seeking new opportunities in iOS development.I graduated and am an alumnus of General Assembly's Software Engineering Immersive boot camp based in Melbourne, Australia and pursuing an online bachelor's degree in Software Engineering to further my expertise and knowledge in software development.Since childhood, I have been interested in how computers work under the hood and have thrived in resolving software bugs and errors since the Windows 98 days.For more projects I've done, please visit my GitHub and Codepen accounts to see more of my work.


Looking for activities to do in a new city on your travels or relocation? Worry no more about getting bored or feeling lost with this city guide iOS app that shows nearby local attractions and popular venues, based on your current location.It also features a search functionality along with various category
selection, with options to further customize your search for a place based on popularity and/or ongoing deals.
Project Technical Highlights:
- Yelp Fusion API for businesses data
- Swift & SwiftUI with Async/Await concurrency
- MVVM (Model–View–ViewModel) app architectural design pattern
- MapKit & Core Location frameworks to retrieve user location
- Observation framework to manage app data flow
*Available in both light and dark mode.

GitHub Followers

Wondering who your followers are on GitHub and what sort of work they're into? Get to know them through this utility app for your GitHub profile.GitHub Followers is an app designed with a singular focus that centers around your followers. With just your username, retrieve your entire list of followers in one place.Get to know each one of them in detail with just a tap away on their profile avatar and also check out their own followers.All viewable profile data are public information and are made available by GitHub through their official API. With a focus user's privacy, no profile data are stored on any third-party servers.Project Technical Highlights:
- GitHub API for users profile data
- Swift & UIKit with Async/Await concurrency
- MVC (Model–View–Controller) app architectural design pattern
- Optimized app loading time with profile image caching and pagination
- Search keyword functionality for ease of finding specific follower(s)
- SwiftUI Views in UIKit through UIHostingConfiguration & #available
*Available in both light and dark mode.

Apple Frameworks

Require inspiration for your next brand-new app project or ideas to improve an existing app?Introducing Apple Frameworks; an iOS app featuring Apple's range of SDKs (Software Development Kits), designed to provide software developers with all the information they need to incorporate powerful features into their app.This app features an easy-to-digest overview of every framework Apple has to offer, along with external links to their official developer documentation page for more in-depth technical instructions on adoption.Project Technical Highlights:
- Swift & SwiftUI for user interface & app logic
- MVVM (Model–View–ViewModel) app architectural design pattern
- Native SwiftUI Link for navigation to external URL
- No SFSafariViewController needed to open website links with Safari
*Available in both light and dark mode.


Never feel like a chore again when logging your project status with this sleek-looking project tracker app.Designed with simplicity in mind without sacrificing visual appeal, Chckpnt is made for recording progress you've made on a project, without the distraction of 100s other add-on functionality. Straightforward and easy to use, so you can get back quickly to doing actual work on your projects.Track work efficiency by recording the number of hours you've spent on any given task, with a clear overview of the total number of hours spent on an entire project.Project Technical Highlights:
- Swift & SwiftUI for user interface & app logic
- SwiftData framework for local database persistence of project logs
- Custom color assets for UI styling